We mustered:
- 2 units of 12 line infantry - famous Redcoats
- 3 units of Rangers (two of 6 and one of 4 men)
- 3 units of Indian allies (each 6 warriors strong - two with bows, one with muskets)
- unit of light infantry (6 men strong)
- Regular oficer with Visionary skill
- Ranger officer with Insiprational Skill
Our enemies used mainly Irregulars and Indians with a unit of 10 regular infantry. We haven't count them, but it was approximately 840 point!
French objective was to crush us totally. Our was simpler - just to reduce their numbers by 50%, then we win instantly.
Set up was as follow: Redcoats marched on the road, flanked by Irregulars and Indian allies. French could surround us any way they like.